Female Pattern Baldness is, in fact, a thing

With increasing survival rates across all cancers, survivors represent a growing population that is frequently affected by persistent or permanent hair growth disorders...There are an estimated 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States, equivalent to 4.8% of the population. 

Men and women both experience hair loss and the statistics are similar, though female pattern baldness is different from the better known male pattern baldness. 

TLDR of Source

Women go bald, both from female pattern baldness and also due to medical causes, such as treatment for cancer. About as many women as men experience hair loss.

Women probably cover it up more. They tend to have longer hair, which allows them to style it in a way that covers bare patches rather "naturally," and wigs are much more of a thing for women than for men.

"If a tree falls in a forest and makes no sound, still, it falls." OTHER people seeing you as "pretty" is hardly the only or even primary reason to transition.

But if you are reading this, I would like to say to you:

How girly of you to feel worthless as a woman and not worth existing if you aren't pretty. How very femme to have drunk the kool-aid already and determined that you should kill yourself before you can be born if you can't be pretty because women aren't real people and are utterly worthless if not pretty.