I have been celibate for medical reasons for something like two decades. Germ control is my life, there is no cure for my condition and I'm divorced because my ex, whom I graduated high school with and had two kids with etc etc, couldn't get with the program enough to respect that his germy bad habits were going to be the death of me.

I don't expect any other man to be both more willing and more able to get with the program and abide by a long list of restrictions necessary for me to have something vaguely resembling quality of life and not be in constant agony while dying slowly while doctors act like buttheads about the whole thing.

Frankly, being not in agony 24/7, not doped to the gills and not dying slowly has been "better than sex" as the saying goes. I don't care how awesome you are in bed, it's not worth it to me if the result is returning to that living hell.

On top of that, I have yet to meet a man who is capable of treating me like a human being, getting sexually and emotionally intimate with me and ALSO crossing the Grand Canyon of a chasm between where we both are now and marriage.

There is a long history of people reading my blog writing published for all the world to see, feeling like they now have a SPECIAL, intimate, personal relationship to me and wanting to get with me. And also wanting all that very personal writing redacted so no one else learns any "intimate" information from me.

I've been married, I had my "knight in shining armor" rescue me from a terrible fate, I got to have kids and raise them, I've gotten to feel loved and adored. I want a career now and I value my writing far more than I value the prospect of bumping uglies with some misogynistic jackass who treats women like property and would like to stake his claim.

Furthermore, if you think or FEEL like reading my PUBLIC blog posts gives us an intimate PERSONAL relationship, you are stalker material and a deluded nutter and wholly unqualified to stand beside me.

An intimate relationship has to be a two-way street. It requires me to also get to know you.

If enough people read my blog and thereby learn a lot about ME, that's called fame. At best, it would make me a star and you a fan, not my next husband.

13 October 2024